Webinar 3 - Making Better Decisions Through Mindfulness, with Susanne Lurger

Our latest webinar was ‘Making better decisions through mindfulness’ and you can watch the 30-minute recording here.

We make thousands of decisions everyday, often automatically, using mental shortcuts we’ve created over years of life experience. The human decision-making process is complicated and influenced by thoughts, emotions, environmental noise and our own conscious and unconscious biases - and we get it wrong all the time.

One way to improve our decision-making is to be more mindful during the process. If we can reach a heightened level of awareness and consider decisions more holistically, we are less likely to react impulsively

We’re delighted to be joined in this webinar by Susanne Lurger, a practising resilience and positive psychology coach, and mindfulness teacher. Susanne is a certified change management expert and founder of beyoco.

Attendees to this webinar will hear from Susanne about the power of mindfulness, and how we can harness it to make decision-making a whole-person or embodied exercise, going beyond the limitations of our thoughts and emotions.


Alastair Cole

Co-Founder & CEO

Alastair started his career in digital marketing, using technology to create award-winning campaigns and innovative products for world-leading brands including Google, Apple and Tesco. As a practice lead responsible for business development, he became aware that the performance of sales staff improved when they were coached more regularly. His vision is that technology can be used to support sales managers as they work to maximise the effectiveness of their teams.


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